全国服务热线: 13914604146
我公司一直从事农业机械配套刀片的开发,以国标为依据,采用国际同行先进工艺组织生产:各种系列旋耕刀、旱地刀、湿地刀、六角刀、深耕刀、起垄刀、灭茬刀、开垦刀、微耕刀、圆盘耙、圆盘犁耙片、弹齿等,并对来图的非标件作专门攻关制作,以不断满足市场新需求。我厂产品配套主机厂并供给多类经营公司,95%以上的产品已销往国外,得到了广大客商的认可和支持。您的需求就是我们的追求,一次真诚的合作让您我成为永远的朋友.竭诚欢迎您前来参观、洽谈! My company has been engaged in the development of agricultural machinery and equipment for the blade to the national standard based on the use of international advanced technology for production: various series of rotary knives, dry knife, wetlands, knife, hex knife, knife deep plowing, ridge knife, knife stubble, reclamation knife, knife tillers, disc harrow, disc plows piece, spring-tooth, etc., and to map non-standard parts for the production of specialized research, to continue to meet new market demands。Our products support many types of OEMs and supply management company, 95% of the products have been sold abroad, the majority of merchants recognized and supported. Your demand is our pursuit, a sincere cooperation as always I am your friend. We welcome you to visit, negotiate!
公司名称: 建湖县富捷旋耕刀厂 公司类型: 工厂 (工厂)
所 在 地: 江苏 公司规模: 5 百万 - 1 千万
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 工厂
经营范围: 各种系列旋耕刀、旱地刀、湿地刀、六角刀、深耕刀、起垄刀、灭茬刀、开垦刀、微耕刀、圆盘耙、圆盘犁耙片、弹齿
销售的产品: 主机厂
机床 / 金属制品 / 五金件
  • 地址:江苏省盐城市建湖县高作工业园区
  • 电话:0515-86371663
  • 邮件:jianghaiyun881029@163.com
  • 手机:13914604146
  • 传真:0515-86371663
  • 联系人:姜海云